Q: Do I need to have any prior experience in engineering or robotics to join?

A: No. While having prior experience will greatly benefit you and your learning experience, it is not required to join the club. Our mentors and senior members are happy to share their knowledge with you, as long as you are willing to learn.


Q: Will this look good on my college application?

A: Yes! Almost every college in the United States recognizes FIRST Competitions as an academic sport, and falls under UIL rules.


Q: Are you in any way affiliated with the robotics class at J.J. Pearce?

A: No, we are a completely separate entity and do not affiliate with the robotics classes at Pearce.


Q: Will I get school credit for being a part of the robotics club?

A: No. As mentioned above, we are an after school club and not affiliated with any classes at J.J. Pearce High School.


Q: I’m interested! How do I join?

A: To join, send us an email at ContactUs@pearcerobotics.com, or stop by for one of our meetings afterschool in room E105!