The Green Alliance

A typical robotics season generates a lot of waste, from materials used on the robot to transportation to trash at competition. In order to help balance out these consequences and make sustainability an inherent value of our team, we are challenging ourselves to clean up a park for every competition we attend. Through the Green Alliance, we hope to connect with like-minded teams who want to take on this challenge with us!

How does the Green Alliance work?

That’s something we’re still figuring out! Right now, the basic requirement for joining the Green Alliance is taking on our 1-Competition, 1-Park challenge, including collectively tracking clean ups through the form linked below. This works on a system of self-accountability, so we hope that everyone who participates can meet the challenge, or even exceed it, but we won’t monitor it. It’s okay if you set this goal but can’t meet it immediately! We only hope that you will try. Additionally, one of our goals is to establish an annual Trash-A-Thon for teams to simultaneously clean their local parks or meet up with other teams at centralized locations. However, we know that the possibilities, and needs, are endless, and we’re looking for teams to help us shape the future of the Green Alliance, so let us know if you have any new ideas.

Interest and Sign Up Form

Clean Up Tracking Form

You only need to complete this form if you are a member of the Green Alliance. You’ll need to keep track of:

  • Number of participants
  • Number of bags collected
  • Number of hours
  • Date
  • Location

Contact Us

If you have any questions or comments, please use the contact form under the contact tab in the website menu.